Flex that hard work!

Flex that hard work!! I don’t think you should care about the criticisms or potential judgement when showing your hard work. If it inspires someone, it’s a win 😉

Home from the groomers :)

Why the long face?!?! 😉 Just coming home from the groomers… Tank’s first cut!

Push toward your goal!

Are you making progress every day towards your Push goal? I wasn’t miserable in my career, I just knew I could do and be more! And isn’t that what life is about?!?! Being your best you and serving more with your passion?! Don’t just *wish* for it, make it happen 🙂

Super Saturday Success!

Coaches.. how was your SuperSaturday? Our Toledo event, hosted by my good friend and STAR DIAMOND coach Cory  was OFF THE CHARTS! Inspiration, energy, NEW social media training from Meg Wiczynski-Fitaddicted, transformation stories, amazing financial success stories (esp from Krystal Bland) PLUS a LIVE Turbo workout RIGHT INTO ShaunT’s new *FOCUS T25* workout! The T25 workout is a series of intense cardio & strength dvd’s that get it ALL DONE in 25 minutes a day! It releases this summer! Thank you to Cory Miller, the speakers, trainers, DJ, and Carl Daikeler for making all of this possible! 🙂


This is a plain no-special-recipe turkey burger on Sesame Ezekiel toast (because we haven’t grocery shopped yet and we’re out of Ezekiel buns and English Mufffins). With 100-cal “Wholly Guacamole” and salsa to spoon on top of each bite. DELISH. You obviously can just put avocado slices on your burger too but we were out of avocado 🙁 Always good to have “back-up” substitutes 😉

Is someone holding you back?

…or is it actually YOU holding you back? (In fitness, business, or your professional career..)

Why I don’t weigh myself…

Do you weigh yourself regularly? I don’t know about you, but I focus on my my weights on the bar, not my weight on the scale. I don’t even weigh myself; I stopped years ago. It’s just NOT a good indicator of the muscle being built and the fat I’m shedding. Both can be happening at once and I’d see no change on the scale.

So if you like using the scale, just remember it’s not necessarily an accurate indicator of progress. Focus on nutrition, strength, HIIT workouts, muscle confusion, flexibility, consistency, patience, …the results will come! Stop comparing to someone else.

Favorite Workout Time

What is your favorite workout time?  Mine is definitely the 9am hour! It can’t always happen at that time, but that’s my wheelhouse! For years working a 9-5 I had no choice; at least now I have more choices and flexibility. Until then, you’ve gotta just do it when you can! And believe me, I’ve been there!

Have you ever considered a career in fitness?

Have you ever considered a career/business in fitness? Of course an online fitness business isn’t for everyone but if you ARE wanting to pursue fitness as a career or business, I can’t recommend a better path than becoming a coach.

Coming from someone who searched for an opportunity that could pay as well as my Fulltime career for YEARS! Opening a gym would have been a massive investment of time and money and as a mom working fulltime, I didn’t have either. Aside from it being FAR FAR less risk and time, it’s incredibly rewarding in so many ways. It’s not about pushing product. I don’t do that…there’s no need for that. You can message me your questions if you don’t have a coach.

Fitness is not Optional

Fitness is a part of my life and I don’t wake up asking myself if I feel like it, or if I’m up to it that day, or if I have time for it. You have to acquire the mindset that it’s like taking care of your teeth or your hair or your house. Except your body’s health impacts your whole life and even your brain function. If I absolutely cannot fit it in, or it absolutely needs to be a rest day, I don’t beat myself up. But it IS a part of my daily routine, not an optional thing. And no, I don’t work out hours a day.It could be anywhere from 20minutes to an hour and 20 minutes. I do what I can 🙂