Next Month’s Body

Next Months BodyAnd the more you give in to “just one more” & I’ll start tomorrow” & “I messed up today anyway” .. The longer you delay the fitness you deserve.

I only know this because I’ve been there!

But not YOU, not again ..right?!

Return the Favor

Return the FavorDon’t reverse the work you did today by eating crap tonight.

I’m tempted to eat bad stuff at night too.. But let’s agree to finish this day strong! Mmm k??

How often do you work out?

How often do you work outHow many times a week do you workout?

Me..pretty much every day unless I feel I need a break.. OR it’s just NOT possible that day .. which is rare because usually I have time at least for a quick HIIT & stretch.

It’s not always going to feel like the ideal time to workout & oftentimes you are NOT going to be in the mood. That’s irrelevant. just start. You’ll not regret it!

10 Critical Components of Fitness

10 Critical Components of FitnessWARNING: music will play 🙂 (Click the image on the right to play video.)

10 Critical Components of Fitness:
1. Nutrition
2. Strength Training
3. Cardio
4. Flexibility Training
5. An accountability partner or group
6. Plenty of water
7. Plenty of Sleep
8. Planning (with Plan B’s built in)
9. Variety of workouts
10. A healthy, unstoppable mindset to stay positive & CONSISTENT

You Can’t Crunch Your Way to Flat Abs

Flat AbsI’m sure you already know, you cannot target one area for fat loss, unfortunately. You gain fat in the areas you are genetically predisposed to gain fat. Two people with the same weight, height & body fat % can have entirely different bodies & trouble’s genetics.

BUT…You can still lose that fat in your trouble zones, it’s just that the trouble zones will likely be the last area to shrink. It takes proper nutrition (including food types, portions, frequency & the necessary nutrients), cardio, sleep, water, stress relief, and STRENGTH TRAINING your entire body.

But, that said, gaining muscle in those areas DOES help the appearance of those areas. Muscle DOES increase your fat burning metabolism (the more muscle, the higher the metabolism), & muscle does give you your body its BEST shape.. among COUNTLESS other benefits.

Maple Brown Sugar ShakeO

Maple Brown Sugar Shakeology

Maple Brown Sugar ShakeOYou LIKE??
This is heavenly! It almost tastes like a CARMEL shake! It’s a great postworkout meal packed with 30g protein! And since it’s Shakeology, it also has antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, 3-4 servings of fruits & veggies !

1.5 cups Ice (~12-14 cubes)
1 cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 cup water
1.5 Scoops Vanilla Shakeology
1 packet dry instant Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal (there are some cleaner versions out there I used all-natural #Kashi).

TIP: Adjust the ice or amt of fluids based on how thick or thin you like your shakes.

Feed The Muscles

Are you struggling with Nutrition?

Feed The MusclesAre you struggling with Nutrition?? Which 1 do you think is your issue?

I’m NOT a nutritionist, but from my own trial and errors and working with hundreds & hundreds of people over MANY years, I’ve observed a thing or two.

10 things to consider that have worked for myself or others:

1. If you’ve been eating healthy, within your nutrient & calorie needs and working out -all of these consistently for at least 12 wks and no progress – consider getting tested for food allergies or thyroid problems. There could be an underlying issue making you FEEL like you’re not making progress or it’s causing unnecessary weight fluctuations or bloating which makes you give up very easily;

2. Try the 21-Day Fix. I *believe* it’s off back-order now. It has you eating what you want but takes the guess work out by using color coded containers to measure fat, carbs, proteins, fruit, etc. If you get the Challenge Pack, you save $$ plus you get Shakeology which has vitamins and superfoods to naturally help aid in fat loss.

3. Get an estimate for what your calorie and nutrient intake should be for fat loss for YOUR age, size, activity level, etc. has a “daily calorie needs” calculator over to the left-hand side of their site. Once you have that estimate, you can click “nutrient needs” and determine approximately how many fat, protein, and carb grams you should be eating for fat loss. It’s just an estimate . I would NOT recommend the extreme fat loss caloric intake, as that is too low for those of you working out and getting stronger, and would cause muscle loss and your metabolism to slow. If you’ve been eating next to nothing, you’ll need to gradually start adding calories & nutrients back in & add back that muscle you’ve probably lost.

4. Tracking using works for a LOT of people. The “If It Fits Your Macros” method ( works for many as well.. check it out if you’re unaware. Again, this is where you’re tracking fat, protein, and carbs.

5. For some, tracking calories and nutrients does NOT work. For some people, just eating healthy when they feel hungry works! If you’re getting the lean, toned body you want this way, by all means.. carry on! You may need to “dial in” to your specific nutrient needs more once you hit a certain point if you want to get MORE muscle and/or more defined muscles.

6. For some, just switching to VEGAN, or GlutenFree, Dairy Free, Raw foods, Paleo, Juicing, etc has worked.

7. Drink more water!! (this is MY downfall ..but improving!)

8. Get enough sleep and stress relief (exercise and downtime for YOU). When you’re lacking sleep or stressed, it’s a FACT you’ll be more likely to crave bad foods or eat when not hungry. It’s not just in your head.

9. ID your trigger foods and what causes you to really slip up and FIX the root of the problem. Maybe you have to stop buying certain foods (or drinks!) FOR GOOD. Maybe you have to go off sugar to stop a sugar addiction. Maybe you have to stop putting yourself in certain environments or stop socializing with certain people. Maybe you need professional help.

10. DON’T OBSESS!!! I personally don’t think you should step on the scale every day, but I know for some, it keeps them going & they know not to take that number as the true measure of progress (because it’s NOT). Either way, you are NOT defined by your physical appearance.. your appearance today is a result of what you have done in the PAST. So that’s OVER; your past is irrelevant except to learn from it. Move forward and get excited about the future. START NOW. Choose to work towards PROGRESS, not perfection & be happy at every stage of the process!

Pursue Strong!

Pursue StrongAnyone with me?!

It’s just what I say to myself to take the pressure off & focus on what makes me FEEL good.

If trying to be “skinny”, a certain size, or have amazing abs is too much pressure, then focus on fuel & strength. Then WORK IT! You’ll be happier & the rest will fall into place over time.

Feel free to share w/friends or family that want encouragement.

Healthy Addiction

Healthy AddictionWhen you can lift more, run faster, squat lower, kick higher, handstand longer.. You create a healthy addiction. Your size, your weight, your look becomes so much less important than the confidence you created inside.

Confidence & character trump physique any day!

And with new confidence & beliefs, the results start kicking in faster!


Do You RunDO YOU RUN ?

I’m so excited that I’ve been able to start running again! Going into it gradually Start with walk/run intervals 2-3x/week & work your way up to walk/sprint intervals. HIIT training burns the most fat & calories!