
Gut Health and Being Outside

This pic is from fall when there were still green trees here

Did you know being outside more helps GUT health?

YEP, according to one of the gut health experts in my sisters 131 Method, it’s one of his top tips to improve gut health. And it TOTALLY seems true for me!! I feel so much better once I’m getting outside more during the day.

So obviously.. being INDOORS – in an office, in a car, in your home all day is not good for gut health. This is a challenge for me bcuz I do NOT like being out in the cold ..and here in Ohio, it’s still freezing!

Cold-weather friends, we’ve got to bundle up & get out more (I type as I sit covered in blankets ). I know a lot of you are also interested in gut health so I figured I’d share my own reminder to get outside more

Gut Health

Are you less & less tempted to eat junk or ANYTHING processed after listening to my sister’s recent podcasts with the gut health experts talking about how that impacts our ability to absorb nutrients and ability to lose fat?

All the talk of processed foods & foods that essentially turn to sugar, fueling the bad bacteria in your gut making us more susceptible to bloating, fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, disease, cancer and making our bodies more prone to holding onto unecessary FAT.. ughh Definitely makes it easier to want to eat healthier, right ?!

Anyway.. I’m never perfect but always trying to fight that urge to just order pizza & eat chocolate. I mean ..once in a while …FOR SURE

This was Tempeh, sliced sweet potatoes w/cinnamon, avocado, & baba ganoush! Baba Ganoush is very similar tasting to hummus. I just sliced the tempeh & put in the pan with olive oil (I usually prefer coconut oil & Braggs liquid aminos instead of low sodium soy but couldn’t find it since renovating our kitchen).

Gut Health

You DO know that if you’re sweating it out & eating healthy consistently and STILL not seeing any results, it could be you’ve developed a gut health problem! The now-very-common “Leaky Gut” due to our current environmental conditions & what’s in our foods now (which was SO different for the generations before us) could be what’s causing your body to hold onto weight & generally making you feel bleh!

Find out what could be causing the bloating, the weight gain or inability go lose, or the general feeling that something is off. I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again …please listen to “The Chalene Show” , specifically podcasts # 239, 240, 241 & 242 !!! Even if you’re not worried about weight loss but have interest in things like inflammation, probiotics & other supplements, hormone issues, and cancer, you must hear 239-242.

Listen every morning as you get ready💄 or while you drive 🚙 Please feel free to tag someone who also cares about their health & the health of others ☝🏼