
Let your purpose be bigger than your fear

I’ve come to learn some people don’t start in business (or other new venture) because they don’t want to be seen as a beginner.

They’re used to being comfortable or advanced/successful in what they do.

Learning something new is always awkward at first & the fear of what others will think while watching the early stumbles, is paralyzing for many.

The ONLY way I know to break free from that is to decide your purpose is bigger than your fear of judgement.

As Dr Seuss said “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”

Team Workout!

Started the day off with a team workout!

Are you ever resistant to being a part of a team because you don’t want to let others down??

I get it!

I was one of the weakest girls, if not THE weakest, on our team today but when you “level up” & play with the big kids in sports/business/life, you start to establish a “new normal” you never knew was in you!

That’s why I love it when something challenges me !! ( except annoying challenges 150 Burpees for time )

Busy Busy!

Busy busy today!! But I fit everything in as best I could! I have SO much more freedom-of-schedule now that I coach full time but I still struggle with time management, some days more than others. I still sometimes struggle with trying to take on too much! How about you?

Keep Things Simple

I get stress, anxiety, fear, overwhelm like anyone else but one thing I have learned is to drown out negativity, excuses, & anything that may distract my top priorities that keep me happy & feeling balanced.

Know what you want, believe you can achieve it, pray about it, be a student who learns AND quickly applies even in the presence of fear, & don’t let others’ opinions deter you. I tend to WAY overthink things & then WAY UNDERthink other things!

But I’ve learned to keep things as SIMPLE as possible and protect my positive mindset more than ANYTHING & just be grateful

But that said, it honestly can FIRST get very complicated to keep things simple; i.e saying no, making sacrifices, taking chances, embracing the unknown, making changes in your schedule, ditching the need for perfectionism, making changes in your lifestyle, hiring help, etc., ..these are all very hard & complicated but sooooooo worth it to have the simple things in life that make you happy

You don’t gain anything from stressing

Really, what good does it do to stress/dwell on something?

Pray, do your best, and let the rest fall into place where it’s supposed to.

Thank you @ power of speech on IG for this simple truth!!

5 Habits You Should Adopt

5 Habits You Should Adopt:

1. Listening to a podcast, training or personal development while you get ready in the morning
2. Making a to-do list every day, at a specific time
3. Stop comparing, judging & assuming
4. That negative self-talk in your head… repetitively tell yourself the OPPOSITE .
5. Take action on what’s in your control, everything else..let it go

Your journey begins at the end of your comfort zone

I love the quote “your journey begins at the end of your comfort zone” because it’s SO true!!!

When you hear yourself saying “that didn’t feel right to me, so I stopped” ask yourself if it was simply because you were finally making a change – stepping outside your comfort zone- and since that is HARD and uncomfortable, you legitimized the “I quit”.

I’m not saying it’s always the case. But too often I see people (& myself included) giving up on things because “it didn’t feel right” when in fact, anything outside your comfort zone, anything new/unknown, doesn’t really feel good for awhile ..and yet that’s where the magic happens💫.

Just do it now…

Didn’t feel like working out but just 30 minutes of lifting felt great once I got started, & an even better feeling to be done. #justdoitnow


Stop Comparing to Others

Soo.. what is this pose called anyway ??

Regardless.. my point is, attitude & self confidence is freakin everything, right?

Whether it pertains to your fitness, your business, your career, etc., you have to get in YOUR lane and run your own race. Shift your mindset to one of appreciating the chance to learn so much on the journey.

p.s. Even though I don’t know what this pose is called, I like it


Sugar Buster Group Results!

This picture depicts how I feel right now after finishing my Sugar Buster group!!

It was so rewarding! What are YOU struggling to give up ???

It is NOT easy to cut down on added sugars, but you feel SO much better and you can’t even imagine all the damage excess sugar is doing to you, your kids, and our society in general. No, I’m totally NOT perfect… I’m a recovering chocoholic and carbaholic, but that’s why I’m passionate about it. It’s part of my own personal journey to improve