Pre-workout Snack

What’s your favorite pre-workout snacks or afternoon treat?

This is half of an Ezekiel muffin, toasted (at most grocery stores -freezer section), with organic Just Great Stuff chocolate powdered Peanut Butter (found online) and banana slices (obviously). Or I do raspberries!

If I have an hour or so to digest before the intensity begins, this will do it. But ideally, I eat two of these and give 2-3 hours to digest and drink water.

I like E&E with lemon-flavored “Crystal Light Pure” in it or my coffee before a workout. I’m not saying this is what YOU should do, everyone has different needs, tastes and goals:).

Stay Consistent

It’s easy to make changes for a day, maybe a week, but can you stay consistent thru the “rough spots?”

In other words, when the going gets tough, do you cave or do you get tougher? Shut down the negative/weak voice and train your brain into a HABIT of positive thinking and mental toughness.

Food to Go!

At a State baseball tournament and there’s no healthy food in sight, but I carry low sodium tuna in my purse (as well as Shakeology, almonds and an apple) just for these situations.

A local sub shop put the veggies together for me (if you ask nicely, most places will make a non-menu meal). And they of course had lunch meat but that is SO high in sodium. I hate feeling so bloated from high sodium foods,not to mention it’s unhealthy. Salad dressing was vinegar and oil.

Be Conscious

You don’t have to be perfect, just be conscious.  At least that’s what I tell myself.

Game Day

On the drive to his game and he’s OUT COLD!

Aren’t they ALWAYS so much more tired on Fridays? I think so!

Never stop strength training

You’re done?! So what’s next?? Never stop strength training. Be married to it!

We’ll flex and  tag each other til death do us part

Don’t be fooled…

You like?! I did in fact have a momentary thought of drowning this in hot fudge and topping it with whip cream! But I don’t have either one! Discipline is 90% what you have accessible and the situations you put yourself in.

Trust me, this nonfat Greek Yogurt, sweetened with Stevia and topped with strawberries and pine nuts was a DELISH snack as is! Get used to energy fuel instead comfort food!


Racing my dad and the boys!! I cannot tell a lie though, I had it floored and dad still eventually passed me!

Chalene Johnson can verify, our dad is all about speed and being fearless. He had us riding motorcycles before we could read. We’ve learned so much about relationships, parenting and business from our parents and how they reacted to adversity, fears and challenges.

New Cottage

Just moved into a new cottage and we haven’t ordered cable yet, or a couch… but got the


✔#Shakeology &


That inner voice…

What was your workout today? I almost convinced myself it was too late, but instead I fit in a 40-minute spin and felt awesome! So glad I didn’t listen to the other voice.

It’s sometimes hard to know if you truly need the rest because that inner voice can be tricky! I get started anyway. In the rare occasion I feel really awful, I’ll stop, but once the music is going and the endorphins are flowin’, I’m almost always good to go and happy I did!