Quick Full Body HIIT

Do you prefer videos with music or … is your sound usually off?

Here’s a quick full body HIIT I did!

Warning ⚠️ Go light on weights as you’ll do higher reps with this one. It takes about 15’ish minutes if you take a little “set up” break between drills:

1️⃣1 minute Barbell or dumbbell Push Presses (go light!)
2️⃣1 minute Barbell or dumbbell bent over row
3️⃣1 minute squatting side to side touching bench; other hand on thigh to support your back. Keep chest up
4️⃣1 minute push-ups moving to each side of bench
5️⃣1 minute squatting side to side (again)
6️⃣1 minute tricep push ups on knees (take breaks as needed)

Tacos with low carb wraps!

Tacos🌮 ..with low carb wraps !!!

Now hold up☝🏼, don’t get overly excited ☺️.. you can’t expect these wraps to taste like a warm, soft flour tortilla🌯.. they’re NuCo coconut wraps (6g carbs per wrap) from Amazon. If you put all your favorite taco ingredients in, and focus on those tastes and the fact that it’s significantly lower in carbs, you’ll appreciate the taste more & get accustomed to it😉

👉🏼p.s. i use & prefer plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. Try it!

Who gets nighttime cravings?

Holding one of my loves… a chocolate fat bomb💣 !

Tell me, who gets nighttime cravings like it’s your job??

It’s not that you CAN’T eat at night. I’m just referring to bad choices & eating for the wrong reasons before bed.

I get it. I dealt with it for years! I still have cravings & I still cave sometimes but I’ve learned how to deal with it BETTER & more consistently.


1️⃣Low carb dinner so insulin & cravings aren’t spiked
2️⃣Dinner & done. Walk away. Give it time to digest
3️⃣Hot drink (decaf coffee, tea or bone broth)
4️⃣Chocolate “Fat Bomb” (doesn’t spike my insulin which would shut down fat burning)
5️⃣Turning to the little things that make me feel happy/relaxed/comforted versus comfort FOODS

☝🏼If this was helpful, share it and/or please let me know below 🙏🏻😁

Ezekiel English Muffin Pizza

Well… yes? Or no, ..real pizza only?

Ok, so hold up though🖐🏼these didn’t turn out as quite as good as they look, if I’m being honest. Good but not AHHMAZING. Maybe they needed avocado☝🏼Everything tastes better with avocado …..and feta… and dipped in hummus👌🏼. Pizza + hummus? I think so!

Anyway, top it as you want but I did use pizza sauce, pepperoni & mozzarella cheese on a toasted Ezekiel English muffin & just melted the cheese slightly👩🏼‍🍳

Involve your spouse/significant other in your healthy lifestyle

Does your spouse/significant other workout & try to eat healthy like you?

I feel lucky Matt & I have that in common and always have but I wish more of you had that too! Here’s some things you could try:

1. Enter yourselves into something competitive together, something you’d both like, since he/she might not care initially about “fitness” as being competitive & feeling like an athlete. Before you know it, he/she might want to become fitter just to WIN. But then they start seeing the inward & outward benefits😉

2. Graduallyyyyyy & subtly transition certain foods/meals/snacks to healthier choices (☝🏼you don’t have to mention it’s healthy if that’s an annoying “thing” your partner thinks you push).

3. Does your significant other have aches/pains/signs of aging/muscle loss/illness/cancer in the family or cancer fears? Maybe put on a podcast in the car (as if it’s just for you to hear😉) but simultaneously educating them that sugar, processed foods, lack of exercise, excessive drinking, & stress are all compounding to feed those ailments but certain nutrition & supplements can actually act as medicine to fight them all.

For those that have converted someone, please share how YOU did it!🙏🏻

What’s your trigger food?

For the record, I don’t always eat like this… if something comes into our house & it’s in my eye sight and access, unless it’s shrimp or mushrooms, I’m eating it.
So my tip if you’re like me, do NOT buy it if it sets you off or triggers you in a way you’ll regret. I’m ALL ABOUT splurging when it’s worthwhile but splurging for no reason is too easy to do too often (temptations are around some of us all day every day).
If you have to buy it, & it’s a trigger food/drink for you, do NOT make eye contact with it👀Hide it. When you’re addicted to certain foods & drinks, I honestly think you have to go COLD TURKEY without it until you lose that habit/addiction/urge. Replace it with a better choice.
For me, it’s currently pizza & dark chocolate🍫. I try doing the cauliflower pizza lately. The chocolate is kinda hidden.. kinda keep finding it.
What’s your trigger food/drink???

Maintain Strength with Lower Body Injury

When you have a lower body injury, feet/ankle issues or can’t jump and do the typical lunges & Plyometrics for your leg day, here are just a FEW ideas to maintain strength in your lower body!

Is this helpful?
There are so many more but these are some I did as I was nursing my torn calf a year ago.
If you’ve resigned to the fact that you just have “bad knees” ..please don’t just assume you need to settle for that. Your lack of proper nutrition could be playing a HUGE role in inflammation, lack of collagen, toxins not being flushed & general healing & mobility. Also, a big no-no & bad for your joints and mobility .. sitting for prolonged periods!
How long have you been sitting where you are now🙈?

Trick Your Sweet Tooth With Low Glycemic Options

Drink water, avoid sweets, blah blah blah!
Yah, it sounds great & we need to do it but I’m here to tell ya you can trick yourself into believing you eat sweets regularly and yet still consume very little sugar.
Here are some of my favorite sweet, but low glycemic, options so that I’m not craving MORE sugar & therefore restoring my ever-powerful sugar addiction, which just turns into mindless snacking & unwanted fat.
Btw, none of these have Sucralose or artificial sweeteners👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼:

1. Almond butter on an apple
2. My greens smoothie
3. Dark chocolate chip (Lily’s brand of chocolate chips) superfood bites
4. Beachbars
5. Coffee (or decaf) with stevia, Bulletproof Brain Octane oil, cinnamon & a little whip ☁️

Do any of these sound appealing or helpful?🤷🏼‍♀️

Whose cup are you filling?

I’m realizing I LOVE to learn! 👩‍💻🤓

That probably sounds ironic coming from someone who probably comes across as “flighty”🙃 and who didn’t enjoy school or college much…. but I freakin LOVE to learn about nutrition, how our bodies work/heal/perform, real life human behavior & BUSINESS (that was my degree but I felt it wasn’t REAL WORLD stuff I was learning then).
Nothing against school or obtaining higher degrees but it’s INCREDIBLE how much you learn when you’re super passionate about the subject & you’re trial-and-error-LIVING the lessons☺️ …annnnd you get to share it with others.
If you feel empty, maybe you’re filling everyone else’s cup but your own ☕️ ☕️ ☕️

Non-annoying Cardio Interval

I think one of the reasons people don’t love cardio is because it’s either too monotonous, or if it’s a HIIT or intense cardio interval, sometimes the moves are downright awkward and annoying (hard, but annoying/awkward to do). Are u with me?!?
So this is a cardio interval (can be done as a HIIT if u take short breaks and are ALL IN during the interval) of non-annoying but intense moves.
Well.. “annoying/awkward” is subject to debate but I personally think these pass the test 👊🏼
6 moves 1 minute each! 3-4 Rounds
1. Burpee into alternating lunge
2. Speed Skaters
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Jack with alternating front kick
5. Side lunge into knee +high punch
6. Ski jumps

Be sure to warm up & do dynamic stretches first!!☝🏼😁